Monday, June 19, 2006

remember the name

so ya, its the last week of the holidays, which means i'm one week away from my mid-years. No idea how i would do, cos i could not even conceive the 'likely' outcome from it. Haven't had mid-years for 4 years, and simply just didn't have the habit to do it. Yea, Mid-Year Crisis it is.

I found out that certain things are hard to get over with, no matter how hard you try. No matter what you tell yourself, do to prove, tell your friends. Doing such actions, just for the sake of convincing yourself doesn't work, it simply comes back to haunt you. You can never forget. How can i move on like this..

You see me hanging round
starting to swear about this black hole of a dark field
and silently within hands touchin skin sharp
breaks my disease

and i can breath and
all of your ways all you dream falls on me
it falls on me
and your beautiful sky
the light you breath
falls on me
it falls on me

i feel like a pain
it draws me in again
sqaushes all my worst of me
darkness in my veins
I never could explain
and i wonder if you have ever seen
and still believe

and all of your ways
and all that you dream
falls on me
it falls on me
and your beautiful sky
the light you breath falls on me
it falls on me

am I that strong
to carry on
have i changed your life
have i changed my world
could you save me

and all of your ways
all you dream
falls on me
it falls on me
and you beautiful sky
the light you breath
falls on me
it falls on me

and all of your ways
all you dream falls on me
it falls on me
and your beautiful sky
the light you breath
falls on me
it falls on me

Fuel-Falls On Me

Anyways, i'm wondering if anyone will remember the name,
my name in anycase,

Not my name only i hope, haha.


What can 9 guys do in a room in a rainy night? You may wonder, and continue to wonder but don't wander.

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