Friday, November 04, 2005


Hi, it has been a long time since i have made comments on the internet, because its dangerous you know??? This is the first post and basically, it would be a disclaimer. Sigh...

By visiting this website and reading the webposts (i.e. aworldoffriends), you hereby automatically agree to the following

:i.) That I make stuff up. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, whatever I state is fictitious, and any resemblance to real life, including but not limited to persons (living or dead), companies, and organisations, is purely coincidental.
ii.) Whatever is published here is solely my personal opinion and does not represent any institution, organisation (both political and non-political), corporation, business or any other independent individuals.
iii.) Neither do I endorse nor take responsibility for any information or opinion expressed in anyway by any third party in any comments, trackbacks or links which are external to this website.
iv.) I shall not be held responsible for any damage caused resulting from the use (or misuse) of this website and the webposts, even if I was warned of the possibility of such damage.
v.) That you regard the content of the website to be in good faith and without malicious intent, and that we do not have any political agenda.SHOULD THE READER NOT AGREE TO THE PROVISIONS STATED ABOVE, YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY IS TO DISCONTINUE YOUR USE OF THIS WEBSITE IMMEDIATELY.


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